Chapter 2: A Psalm of Sorrow and Inquiry

 A Psalm of Sorrow and Inquiry

To the Lector: A Psalm of Blake, in distress and seeking understanding.

O Lord, my refuge and my strength, to You I raise my plea,

Why has this sorrow befallen me, in this sea of misery?

Have I not turned from evil, walked in Your grace so dear?

Since the first day of my conundrum, I've held Your precepts near.


Sin's allure has weakened, in the light of Your grace,

Yet this burden I bear, this pain I cannot trace.

Why, O Lord, have You allowed such grief to be my lot?

In my walk of faith, Your face I have not forgot.


Confusion clouded my mind, the world's wisdom so hollow,

Yet in my faith, O God, steadfastly I chose to follow.

Never did I forsake You, though perplexed in my way,

But why, O God, did she leave, why did she not stay?


No explanation given, no cause for this divide,

In the silence of her departure, in sorrow, I abide.

Was I not the leader, the guide I ought to be?

Could I have done more good, been more for her to see?


Yet in my heart, I know, no willful sin I've done,

No path of old I've trodden, no evil I have spun.

Why then this pain, this nightly cry, this heart so sore?

Why is my care seen as manipulation, nothing more?


O God of David, hear my cry, my heart's lament,

In Your steadfast love, let Your mercy be sent.

Turn not away from my prayer, from my soul's deep plea,

In my love for You, O Lord, unchanging it shall be.


I am misunderstood, my intentions wrongly read,

In the eyes of others, misjudgment has been bred.

Save me, O God, from this anguish, this unfounded blame,

In Your unfailing love, cleanse my name.


Though my heart is heavy, in You I find my trust,

For You are just and righteous, in You, I place my must.

In the depths of my despair, Your love is my guide,

In Your presence, O Lord, I choose to abide.


Hear my prayer, O God, listen to my heartfelt cry,

In the darkness of my sorrow, to You, I draw nigh.

I will follow You, O Lord, all my days, in every way,

In Your love and mercy, steadfastly I will stay. Amen.


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